
A Recast of ‘Cast of Wonders’

The Young Adult Speculative Fiction Podcast

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Recastable Episodes (163)

1. Cast of Wonders 460: More Than One Zodiac in High School July 25, 2021
2. Cast of Wonders 461: Factory Mother Aug. 11, 2021
3. Cast of Wonders 462: Straw-Spun Aug. 16, 2021
4. Cast of Wonders 463: Loving the Falls Aug. 25, 2021
5. Cast of Wonders 464: Cats of Fortune Sept. 10, 2021
6. Cast of Wonders 465: In Real Time Sept. 12, 2021
7. Cast of Wonders 466: Badass Neon Sparkle Powers Sept. 19, 2021
8. Cast of Wonders 467: They Shall Find Home Once More Oct. 5, 2021
9. Cast of Wonders 468: On the Tip of Her Tongue Oct. 6, 2021
10. Cast of Wonders 469: What If We Remembered? Oct. 9, 2021
11. WITCHING HOUR Oct. 31, 2021
12. Cast of Wonders 470: Matches Nov. 5, 2021
13. Cast of Wonders 471: The Storyteller’s Wife Nov. 8, 2021
14. Cast of Wonders 472: AP Practical Literary Theory Suggests This Is A Quest (Or: What Danny Did Over Spring Break) Nov. 16, 2021
15. Cast of Wonders 473: IF Trans THEN Mogrify Nov. 18, 2021
16. Cast of Wonders 474: Little Free Library Nov. 23, 2021
17. Cast of Wonders 475: Miss Tansybaum’s Circus of the Moderately Peculiar Nov. 26, 2021
18. Cast of Wonders 476: When Whales Fall Dec. 11, 2021
19. Cast of Wonders 477: Three Monsters That Are Not Metaphors (Staff Picks 2021) Dec. 14, 2021
20. Cast of Wonders 478: Cats of Fortune (Staff Picks 2021) Dec. 18, 2021
21. Cast of Wonders 479: Loving the Falls (Staff Picks 2021) Dec. 21, 2021
22. Cast of Wonders 480: The Umbra Dec. 23, 2021
23. Cast of Wonders 481: Factory Mother (Staff Picks 2021) Jan. 11, 2022
24. Cast of Wonders 482: In Real Time (Staff Picks 2021) Jan. 16, 2022
25. Cast of Wonders 483: Armed With Such Stories, I Roamed Into The Woods (Staff Picks 2021) Jan. 22, 2022
26. Closing the Curtains on 2021 Jan. 26, 2022
27. Cast of Wonders 484: Langsuir (Staff Picks 2021) Jan. 30, 2022
28. Cast of Wonders 485: Simons, Far and Near Feb. 6, 2022
29. Cast of Wonders 486: Eight Arms to Hold You Feb. 17, 2022
30. Cast of Wonders 487: Let the Buyer Beware Feb. 20, 2022
31. Cast of Wonders 488: Little Wonders 32 – the Power of Imagination Feb. 27, 2022
32. Cast of Wonders 489: My Hilt Itches March 13, 2022
33. Cast of Wonders 490: Prophecy Girls March 23, 2022
34. Banned Books Week: hold the date! April 1, 2022
35. CatsCast 1: The Cat Lady and the Petitioner April 1, 2022
36. Cast of Wonders 491: Little Wonders 33 – Dreams & Identity April 5, 2022
37. Banned Books Week 2022 – call for submissions April 10, 2022
38. Cast of Wonders 492: Stillwater April 18, 2022
39. Cast of Wonders 493: One Day in Infinity May 3, 2022
40. Cast of Wonders 494: The Day I Didn’t Get a Pet Nebula May 8, 2022
41. Cast of Wonders 495: And I Will Make Thy Name Great May 27, 2022
42. Cast of Wonders 496: Excuse Me, this is the Quiet Car May 31, 2022
43. Cast of Wonders 497: Hurricane Season June 18, 2022
44. Cast of Wonders 498: Field Biology of the Wee Fairies July 4, 2022
45. Cast of Wonders 499: Robo-Liopleurodon! July 10, 2022
46. Cast of Wonders 500: Ysarin July 17, 2022
47. Cast of Wonders 501: Across the River July 23, 2022
48. Cast of Wonders 502: Little Wonders 34 – Separation & Connection Aug. 7, 2022
49. Cast of Wonders Flash Fiction Contest 2022 Aug. 9, 2022
50. Cast of Wonders 503: Oshun, Inc Aug. 14, 2022
51. September News Sept. 6, 2022
52. Cast of Wonders 504: Shrine to the Ink Goddess Sept. 20, 2022
53. Cast of Wonders 505: And the rain will come from the mountain Sept. 21, 2022
54. Cast of Wonders 506: Little Wonders 35 – Memories of Home Sept. 22, 2022
55. Cast of Wonders 507: The Last Auction Sept. 25, 2022
56. Cast of Wonders 508: The Book That Wasn’t Sept. 27, 2022
57. Cast of Wonders 509: Far From the Home I Love Sept. 28, 2022
58. Cast of Wonders 510: Forbidden Voices Sept. 29, 2022
59. Cast of Wonders 511: Wind Settles in the Bones Oct. 14, 2022
60. Cast of Wonders 512: A Full Set of Specials Oct. 23, 2022
61. Cast of Wonders 513: Gone Red Oct. 29, 2022
62. Cast of Wonders 514: The Whipping Bot Oct. 30, 2022
63. Cast of Wonders 515: Little Wonders 36 – Halloween Nov. 6, 2022
64. Cast of Wonders 516: The Cat of Lin Villa Nov. 15, 2022
65. Cast of Wonders 517: La Puerta Dec. 11, 2022
66. Introducing our new assistant editors! Dec. 13, 2022
67. Cast of Wonders Flash Fiction Contest Dec. 18, 2022
68. Cast of Wonders 518: Simons, Far and Near (Staff Picks 2022) Dec. 19, 2022
69. Cast of Wonders 519: Far From the Home I Love (Staff Picks 2022) Dec. 21, 2022
70. Cast of Wonders 520: Shrine to the Ink Goddess (Staff Picks 2022) Dec. 23, 2022
71. Cast of Wonders 521: Wind Settles in the Bones (Staff Picks 2022) Dec. 25, 2022
72. Cast of Wonders 522: Ysarin (Staff Picks 2022) Jan. 7, 2023
73. Cast of Wonders 523: A Full Set of Specials (Staff Picks 2022) Jan. 9, 2023
74. Cast of Wonders 524: Forbidden Voices (Staff Picks 2022) Jan. 12, 2023
75. Submissions Update Jan. 18, 2023
76. Cast of Wonders 525: And I Will Make Thy Name Great (Staff Picks 2022) Jan. 20, 2023
77. Cast of Wonders 526: La Puerta (Staff Picks 2022) Jan. 27, 2023
78. January 2023 Metacast Jan. 31, 2023
79. Cast of Wonders 527: Both Hope and Breath Feb. 1, 2023
80. Cast of Wonders 528: Notes from a trans-inclusive gender apocalypse Feb. 25, 2023
81. Cast of Wonders 529: Little Wonders 37 – Seeking Connections Feb. 28, 2023
82. Cast of Wonders 530: Because Change Was the Ocean and We Lived By Her Mercy March 1, 2023
83. Cast of Wonders 531: Crown Prince March 24, 2023
84. Submissions Schedule update April 1, 2023
85. Cast of Wonders 532: The Hidden Forests of Earth and Mars April 4, 2023
86. Cast of Wonders 533: The Time Traveler’s Cookbook April 13, 2023
87. Cast of Wonders 534: Lavender, Juniper, Gunpowder, Smoke May 2, 2023
88. Announcing our call for submissions for Banned Books Week 2023! May 10, 2023
89. Cast of Wonders 535: The Girl Who Welcomed Death to Svalgearyen May 16, 2023
90. Cast of Wonders 536: Little Wonders 38 – Advice May 25, 2023
91. Cast of Wonders 537: More Real Than Real May 28, 2023
92. Cast of Wonders 538: Nnome June 17, 2023
93. Cast of Wonders 539: Little Wonders 39 – Home Ties June 24, 2023
94. Cast of Wonders 540: That Good Night July 2, 2023
95. Cast of Wonders 541: Ashes and Buttercream July 22, 2023
96. Cast of Wonders 542: Little Wonders 40 – Stepping out of your comfort zone July 25, 2023
97. Cast of Wonders 543: The Raven Princess Aug. 5, 2023
98. Cast of Wonders 544 – Nine Goblins (part 1) Aug. 13, 2023
99. Simons, Far and Near is a finalist for the WSFA small press award! Aug. 15, 2023
100. Cast of Wonders 545: Nine Goblins (part 2) Aug. 22, 2023
63 more episodes