
A Recast of ‘UNspoiled! The Dark Tower’

Natasha and Miles cover The Dark Tower! Natasha has never read the series and Miles has read the first 5. Buckle up as we begin our journey, a few chapters at a time!

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Recastable Episodes (116)

1. The Gunslinger- Chapter 1, Parts 1-4 Jan. 21, 2016
2. The Gunslinger, Chapter 1- Parts 5-8 Feb. 2, 2016
3. The Gunslinger, Chapter 1: Parts 9-14 Feb. 5, 2016
4. The Gunslinger: Chapter 1- Parts 15-20 Feb. 13, 2016
5. The Gunslinger, Chapter 2: The Waystation, Parts 1-7 Feb. 19, 2016
6. The Gunslinger: Chapter 2, Parts 8-13 March 1, 2016
7. The Gunslinger, Chapter 3- Parts 1-6 March 9, 2016
8. The Gunslinger, Chapter 3: Parts 7-15 March 19, 2016
9. The Gunslinger, Chapter 4: Parts 1-8 March 20, 2016
10. The Gunslinger, Chapter 4- Parts 9-13 March 25, 2016
11. The Gunslinger, Chapter 5 April 1, 2016
12. The Drawing Of The Three: Prologue & Chapter 1 April 7, 2016
13. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 2- Eddie Dean April 15, 2016
14. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 3- Contact & Landing April 22, 2016
15. The Drawing of The Three, Chapter 4- The Tower April 30, 2016
16. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 5- Showdown and Shootout May 6, 2016
17. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 6- Shuffle May 13, 2016
18. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 7- Detta & Odetta May 24, 2016
19. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 8- Ringing In The Changes May 26, 2016
20. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapter 9- Odetta On The Other Side June 2, 2016
21. The Drawing Of The Three- Chapter 10- Detta On The Other Side June 10, 2016
22. The Drawing Of The Three, Chapters 11 & 12 June 17, 2016
23. The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing Of The Three- Chapters 13 & 14 June 25, 2016
24. The Dark Tower, Book 2: The Drawing Of The Three, Chapters 15 & 16 July 5, 2016
25. The Wastelands, Chapter 1: Parts 1-4 July 8, 2016
26. The Wastelands, Chapter 1: Parts 5-18 July 21, 2016
27. The Wastelands, Chapter 1: Parts 15-26 July 28, 2016
28. The Wastelands, Chapter 1- Parts 27-32 Aug. 6, 2016
29. The Wastelands, Chapter 2: Parts 1-8 Aug. 11, 2016
30. The Wastelands, Chapter 2- Parts 9-18 Aug. 26, 2016
31. The Wastelands, Chapter 2: Parts 19-23 Sept. 8, 2016
32. The Wastelands, Chapter 3: Parts 1-13 Sept. 10, 2016
33. The Wastelands, Chapter 3- Parts 14-23 Sept. 19, 2016
34. The Wastelands: Chapter 3- Parts 23-43 Sept. 23, 2016
35. The Wastelands, Chapter 4: Parts 1-13 Oct. 7, 2016
36. The Wastelands, Chapter 4: Parts 13-25 Oct. 16, 2016
37. The Wastelands: Chapter 5, Parts 1-13 Oct. 21, 2016
38. The Wastelands: Chapter 5, Parts 14-21 Oct. 28, 2016
39. The Wastelands: Chapter 5, Parts 22-28 Oct. 31, 2016
40. The Wastelands, Chapter 5- Parts 29-40 Nov. 1, 2016
41. After The Election Nov. 9, 2016
42. RSS Feed Announcement Nov. 19, 2016
43. The Wastelands, Chapter 5: Parts 22-28 Nov. 20, 2016
44. The Wastelands, Chapter 6 Dec. 10, 2016
45. Wizard And Glass, Chapters 1 & 2 Dec. 20, 2016
46. Wizard And Glass, Chapters 3 & 4 Jan. 10, 2017
47. Wizard And Glass, Chapter 5 Jan. 11, 2017
48. Wizard And Glass, Part 2- Chapters 1 & 2 Jan. 23, 2017
49. Wizard And Glass, Part 2- Chapters 3 & 4 Jan. 27, 2017
50. Wizard And Glass, Part 2- Chapters 5 & 6 Jan. 31, 2017
51. Wizard And Glass, Part 2 Chapters 7 & 8 Feb. 4, 2017
52. Wizard And Glass, Part 2- Chapter 9 Feb. 13, 2017
53. Wizard And Glass, Part 2 Chapter 10 Feb. 25, 2017
54. Wizard And Glass, Interlude and Part 3- Chapter 1 March 7, 2017
55. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapters 2 & 3 March 16, 2017
56. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 4 March 23, 2017
57. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 5 April 1, 2017
58. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 6 April 7, 2017
59. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 7 April 14, 2017
60. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 8 April 19, 2017
61. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 9 April 26, 2017
62. Wizard And Glass, Part 3- Chapter 10 May 4, 2017
63. Wizard And Glass, Part 4- Chapters 1, 2, & 3 May 17, 2017
64. Wizard And Glass, Part 4- Chapter 4 June 2, 2017
65. Wolves Of The Calla, Prologue & Chapter 1 June 22, 2017
66. Wolves Of The Calla- Chapters 2 & 3 June 27, 2017
67. Wolves Of The Calla- Chapter 4 July 18, 2017
68. Wolves Of The Calla- Chapters 5 & 6 Aug. 1, 2017
69. Wolves Of The Calla: Chapter 7 Aug. 15, 2017
70. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 2- Chapter 1 Aug. 29, 2017
71. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 2- Chapters 2 & 3 Sept. 12, 2017
72. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 2- Chapter 4 Sept. 19, 2017
73. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 2- Chapter 5 Sept. 26, 2017
74. Wolves Of The Calla- Part 2, Chapter 6 Oct. 3, 2017
75. Wolves Of The Calla- Part 2, Chapter 7 & 8 Oct. 10, 2017
76. Wolves Of The Calla- Part 2, Chapter 9 Oct. 17, 2017
77. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 3- Chapter 1 Oct. 31, 2017
78. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 3- Chapter 2 Nov. 16, 2017
79. Wolves Of The Calla, Part 3- Chapters 3 & 4 Nov. 23, 2017
80. Wolves Of The Calla- Part 3, Chapters 5 & 6 Dec. 12, 2017
81. Wolves of the Calla- Part 3, Chapter 7 Dec. 26, 2017
82. Wolves Of The Calla- Epilogue Jan. 2, 2018
83. Song Of Susannah- Chapters 1 & 2 Jan. 16, 2018
84. Song Of Susannah, Chapters 3 & 4 Jan. 23, 2018
85. Song Of Susannah- Chapters 5 & 6 Jan. 31, 2018
86. Song Of Susannah- Chapters 7 & 8 Feb. 6, 2018
87. Song Of Susannah- Chapter 9 Feb. 13, 2018
88. Song Of Susannah- Stanza 10 Feb. 20, 2018
89. Song Of Susannah- Stanza 11 Feb. 27, 2018
90. Song Of Susannah- Stanza 12 March 6, 2018
91. The Dark Tower, Book 6- Song Of Susannah, Stanza 13 March 13, 2018
92. The Dark Tower, Book 7- The Dark Tower, Chapters 1, 2, & 3 March 27, 2018
93. The Dark Tower- Chapters 4, 5, & 6 April 3, 2018
94. The Dark Tower: Part 1- Chapter 7, Part II- Chapter 1 & 2 April 10, 2018
95. The Dark Tower, Part 2- Chapters 3, 4, & 5 April 19, 2018
96. The Dark Tower, Book 7- The Dark Tower- Part 2, Chapters 6 & 7 April 24, 2018
97. The Dark Tower, Part 2- Chapter 8 May 1, 2018
98. The Dark Tower, Book 7- The Dark Tower, Part 2- Chapters 9 & 10 May 8, 2018
99. UNsober! Sample Episode- Being Sick May 8, 2018
100. The Dark Tower, Book 7- The Dark Tower, Part 2, Chapter 11 May 15, 2018
16 more episodes